Year-End Goals

What goals have you accomplished this year? 2022 is almost upon us, and it’s time to set new goals and re-evaluate the old ones. Here are some of the goals I did and didn’t achieve.

In 2021, I sought out restoration, health, wellness, and a sound mind on purpose. Things like restoration do not happen by accident. It takes purposeful, intentional action directed toward a specific goal. I wanted my whole life to be complete, not just certain parts. So, I focused on five particular areas: faith, finances, fitness, fun, love. Let’s see where I measured up or fell short.


My goal was to intentionally pursue a closer relationship with God through prayer, fasting, meditation, and bible study. So, did I reach this goal? Though I did pray and study. I did not fast like I was supposed to. Nor did I meditate enough to hear from and connect with Yahweh truly. I recently started meditating and plan to incorporate this into my daily routine.


My goal was to get my finances in order. To do that, I need to get out of debt. Knowing that I owe money to other people is draining. I want to regain financial independence. I also want to invest, save, and make more money. By the end of 2021, I wanted to have a fully-funded emergency fund and be deep into the debt repayment process.

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